How Much Has the Self-Publishing Market Grown? [INFOGRAPHIC]

These self-publishing facts will blow your mind!

How Much Has the Self-Publishing Market Grown? [INFOGRAPHIC]
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The news might be filled with all sorts of doom and gloom, but there’s one industry that’s undeniably THRIVING. Actually, it has been for years, and it’s predicted to do even better over the next decade. Spoiler alert: it’s self-publishing. We’ve got all your latest facts and figures to show you just how much opportunity is waiting to be tapped right now. 

Psst….wanna know how to reach millions of readers who are actively looking for their next book? Come hang out with us at our free webinar, and we’ll show you everything you need to know.

Three Self-Publishing Stats to Know in 2024

There are tons of stats and stuffy business reports out there to support the fact that self-publishing is booming. Here are three stats we thought you’d like to know: 

#1: The CAGR for Self-Publishing is 20x Higher Than Other Industries

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a fancy term for how quickly an industry is growing. For reference, the CAGR of the real estate market is estimated to be less than 5% for the next four years, and even healthcare is expected to have a CAGR of less than 10%. Let that sink in. Self-publishing is expected to be TWICE as profitable as the US healthcare system. 

If you’ve ever toyed around with the idea of self-publishing, now’s the time to get in on the action. 

#2: There are 250% More Self-Published Books Than There Were 5 Years Ago 

At first glance, this stat might seem intimidating. You might even hear others try to convince you that the market is way too oversaturated to even try self-publishing anything. If you want to take that advice, go for it, but it’s leaving out a pretty big piece of the equation. 

When you self-publish a book, the trick isn’t to try to reach every single reader in the world. This goes against a foundational marketing principle: If you’re marketing to everyone, you’re marketing to no one. What you’re really trying to do is to focus your attention on just ONE subset of readers. 

Your book might not be able to turn every human on the planet into a yoga master, but what if it can help first-time moms? Sure, you can’t teach everyone to have a green thumb, but what if you can help gardeners with small yards? When you make the best book possible for a particular niche, it’s destined to actually help people and practically sell itself. 

Now, how likely is it that every single niche in the world already has well-established authors and publishers? Next to none.

You just need to know where to look for your next million-dollar idea. 

#3: The Number of ISBNs Issued Has Skyrocketed Over a Decade 

ISBNs are basically identifiers for every book on the market. Whether they’re self-published or published through a traditional publishing house, every book needs one to be sold. 

Again, if you take this stat at face value and strictly worry about the competition, you’re already getting in your own way. The number of ISBNs has skyrocketed because self-publishing is completely phasing out the old way of doing things. Now ANYONE can publish a book from nearly anywhere in the world. 

AKA you can control your income, time, AND location. 

Overcoming the Mental Blocks to Giving Self-Publishing a Try 

Whether this is the first time you’ve heard about self-publishing or you’ve been considering it for a while, maybe you’re still grappling with imposter syndrome or procrastination. These are WAY more common than you might think, and we’ve seen thousands of students overcome these mental blocks to go on to earn five and even six figures in a single month from a single book. 

Wanna meet them? 

Meet Nicole! A Single Mom Who Needed to Find a New Routine 

Meet Karmanjot Who Went From Juggling Two Jobs and School to Becoming a Publishing Coach 

Meet Carli Who Accidentally Made Thousands of Dollars

Get In on the Self-Publishing Boom!

Self-publishing is here to stay, but doesn’t a fresh slice of pie sound nice right now? 

It doesn’t have to be complicated. The perfect time to start self-publishing is yesterday, and the next best time is today. You don’t need a fancy degree, years of business school, or Silicon Valley experience to make this work for you. 

All you need is an open mind and the desire to make a real change. 

Learn how to be your own boss for good. Visit our free webinar today!

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