The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 5 wouldn't be the same without Hayley!

The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 5
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Welcome to our favorite segment of our blog, where we feature the stories of the changemakers behind the mission to help everyday people make meaningful streams of income. Today is all about the mushroom emoji queen who knows a thing or two about resilience and turning life’s sourest lemons into the sweetest lemonade. 

Meet the Publishing.Com Team! Introducing Hayley

Name: Hayley 

Role: Coach Extraordinaire

Location: Ireland

How long have you been with >16 months together

If you could sum up with one word, what would it be? And why?

Progressive. The management team has ideas and actions them. If they don't work, they learn from it and move forward. 

What has been the most unexpected surprise about being part of this team?

The inclusivity. There's a place for me here to learn, grow and serve. Very unexpected...and humbling.

What’s one thing you wish you could tell our students? 

Quit F*****G whining! I am always working to convey the enormity of value they can avail of with this program and community and infuse them with reasons to appreciate what's available and action the guidance provided.

Who are your greatest mentors (in the world)? Why?

My Great-Grandmother. She was a woman of action. I used to say "I wish" a lot, and she told me, "You can wish in one hand and s%^& in the other and see which is full first." She led by example and showed me how to take action, make the most of the gifts I was born with to serve others, embrace progress, be open-minded, and remain open to challenges. 

How many books have you published?

  1. 1-3
  2. 4-10
  3. 11+

What are your publishing goals? 

To learn and apply—practice what I preach! Drive books in my 2 niches in 2024. This year was a fight for life, and I won, and next year will allow me to focus on seriously publishing at least 8 books and be the publisher I signed up to become. It will happen.

What personal goals has this job allowed you to go after? 

Spending time in the Mediterranean for our health and enjoyment. The ability to spend time with family and friends anytime, anywhere. (The heavy bit) To truly assess (continually) myself and acknowledge, accept, and love myself enough to be worthy of the growth I know I am capable of. 

What has being part of this team meant for your family? 

My husband and I can take our work with us and be where we choose, for whatever reason. Like spending time with our grandbabies! I have built friendships here (I am welling up as I write this) that I will have for my lifetime. I've met up with several and plan to meet with more in the coming year. It is joyous! And this joy ripples to my family; what a gift.

Bonus Fact: Hayley took home one of our Spirit Awards at the end of 2023, and she'll be tough to beat. Read about it to find out the secret behind her love of the mushroom emoji... 🍄👀

Family Comes First  

The team has an undeniable bond, but we WANT our team members to spend more time with their actual families.

You shouldn’t have to miss your kid’s graduation or karate tournament because of a meeting—that’s silly. Working 100% remotely gives our team the flexibility to craft their own work/life balance as they see fit. It’s really that simple. 

Looking to make a virtual move? Check out our job openings here!

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