The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 8

Her dreams of authorship are finally coming true!

The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 8
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Welcome to our favorite segment of our blog, where we get to recognize all the brilliant minds behind's mission to help everyday people make meaningful streams of income. Victoria joined us late last year and has already made her mark in the sales department. You'll find her constantly lifting others up in the Slack chat when she's online and either boating or camping and totally unplugging when she's offline. (She's also really big into true crime documentaries)

Meet the Publishing.Com Team! Introducing Victoria

Name: Victoria D. 

Role: Orientation Call Specialist 

Location: PA

How long have you been with < 6 months

If you could sum up with one word, what would it be? And why?

I would sum up with the word innovative because this company is all about growth and improvement. is innovating new ways to expand into ALL realms of publishing. 

What has been the most unexpected surprise about being part of this team?

The most unexpected surprise about being part of this team is just how welcoming everyone has been. Within a week I knew I found my home and where I want to be for the future. Even though this job is remote, there is such an evident and supportive team culture.  

What’s one thing you wish you could tell our students? 

I wish I could tell our students that can make their dreams come true if they try with all their might. I hate seeing students give up on this process. It's like they are giving up on themselves. Just keep pushing, and I promise you, you will see results!

Who are your greatest mentors (in the world)? Why?

My greatest mentors in the world are my parents because they are always pushing me to pursue my dreams and not give up. They are always supportive and give the best advice. 

What are your publishing goals? 

My publishing goals are to create a side hustle that can eventually turn into some big cash. I hope to publish many books, but first, I’ve got to get started! 

What personal goals has this job allowed you to go after? 

This job has allowed me to pursue my dream of publishing a book. Ever since I was a young child, I always aspired to be an author. This job makes that possible.

I seriously feel like this job is everything I have ever wanted and more. 

What has being part of this team meant for your family? 

With this job, I can give myself and my future family the life I always dreamed of. My parents have been nothing but supportive, and they know this means that my dreams of a long-term career that I am truly passionate about have finally come true. Also, being remote and saving time commuting allows me to have more family time, which is a blessing.

Reimagining Remote Work

As long as you've got a reliable Internet connection, the world is your oyster, whether you're part of our Sales team, Marketing team, or Student Success.

We don't mind if our team decides to uproot their family and move them to Australia to cross one thing off the bucket list or if they want to explore Greece with their grandkids. In fact, we encourage it! is, quite honestly, more of a lifestyle than a job or brand.

We care about our people and our collective growth as human beings. That means YOU get to decide what remote work looks like and fit it around YOUR schedule and values.

Sound like a dream come true? 

Check out our job openings here!

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